San Rafael Youth Ministry
Just for Parents...
Here are resources, special events and opportunities for parents.
Learn more about discipleship ministry. To setup your free account, please contact Lailani for details.
FORMED is an exciting new gateway to the best Catholic teaching videos, books, and audio talks to deepen your relationship with Christ and his Church. All in one place. Accessible on most smart phones, tablets, and computers.
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Parish Access Code: HZRCW6
Here are some excellent FREE webinars available to you through the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. These presentations are relevant to the state of our youth and culture today.
A collaborative effort by four national Catholic organizations to help church leaders envision how the Catholic Church can more effectively partner with parents to help bring home the faith.
Strong Catholic Family Faith curates relevant content and meaningful experiences so that leaders might better partner with parents in passing on the faith.
Roy Petitfils is an internationally recognized expert in understanding and raising teenagers. He is a therapist at Pax Renewal Center in Lafayette, Louisiana. He holds a Masters in Mental Health and School Counseling from the University of Louisiana, Lafayette. He is an expert in raising and understanding teenagers.
Books by Roy:
Helping Teens with Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
What Teens Want You to Know (But Won’t Tell You)
Proclaiming Christ in the culture. Bishop Robert Barron is an author, speaker, theologian, and founder of Word on Fire, a global media ministry. Word on Fire reaches millions of people by utilizing the tools of new media to draw people into or back to the Catholic Faith.
Check out Bishop Barron's weekly videos and commentaries on YouTube.
Catholic Stores & Businesses
Here you can find links to various Catholic stores and designer goods from Catholic artists.