San Rafael Youth Ministry
Youth Core Team
Youth Core Team is a leadership group of Confirmed high school juniors and seniors. These youth are the hands and feet of the San Rafael's Youth Ministry Program who devote themselves to witnessing Christ to their peers in our parish through relational ministry, Confirmation classes, planning and executing retreats, events, prayer nights, and a multitude of service and social opportunities. Youth Core Team is a wonderful team to be part of, but it is a serious commitment, equal to that of being in Marching Band or an athletic team at school. As a part of the team, they are depended on by the youth, the youth minister, and other members of the team to live up to the commitment they make. Our Youth Core Team is the greatest blessing to our ministry!
Meet the Team
President: Rylan G.
Vice President: Natalia M.
Secretary: Irene F.
Shepherd: Nora A.
Co-Shepherd: Mikey J.
Members: Cody B., Emma P., Ethan B., Jonathan W., Rylan G., Vanessa B.
Shepherd: Aaron C.
Co-Shepherd: Kaylie T.
Members: Lauren C., Natalia M.
Shepherd: Deborah R.
Co-Shepherd: Vivian M.
Members: Irene F.